Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 Important Divorce Advice

By John Furnem

Getting married is easy but making it last is not; and so as completely untying the knots through a divorce. But if it is time for both of you to go separate ways, legally and permanently, here are the things you should prepare for.

The length of the procedure - Divorce is not a one day event; it is a process that may take several months. You cannot expect to receive your divorce decree after you file your case. Delays may even happen if there are disputes regarding child custody and marital assets and debts.

Cost of the divorce process - There are several factors that influence the cost of your divorce such as the length of the process, the hourly rate of your attorney, and the papers that should be produced. Generally, it is difficult to exactly determine how much would you pay for the whole process but for sure, the longer it takes; the bigger you pay.

Cost of separation - If you and your couple both have a source of income, then your household's financial standing may be strong. However, the moment you separate and live on your own, you will shoulder the whole expenses and bills. Make sure you can keep yourself under a roof before you confidently say that the marriage is over and it is time for you to move out.

Emotional outburst - There are lots of emotional outbursts during the whole process, and sometimes it may lead to violence. Make sure that you know how to control your emotions. This is important not only because you want to end the process peaceful but also to end the process as smooth and quickly as possible; which is of course will significantly cut your total expenses.

Physical detachment - Different couples have different reason why they file for divorce but one thing is common among them: at the end of the day or even while the petition for divorce is cooking, there is a great deal of physical detachment to your kids. Domestic violence can be a big factor to keep you away from your family. Being ready for it is very important.

Parental responsibility - Becoming a parent does not end once you are separated. You still have to finance the expenses of your children (as ordered by the court) until they are grown up. Even if you are not awarded the custody of your child, once the court says you have to give child support, then you have to give child support.

Child custody - For most cases, the mother takes the child custody, but for special reasons or if the court sees that the mother is incapable of taking care of the children, the father can keep them.

Property separation - Ultimately, the fate of your property lies on the technical rules of property division, which should be both fair and just. If there are disputes on particular property, it should be decided according to evidences you show and the court may act as the mediator.

Coping with the new set up - If you have been married for years, living alone can be devastating both emotional and physical. Knowing what to expect and learning how to cope with your present life should be your priority.

Moving on - Okay, it's over. It may take a while for you to adjust but basically, your life before divorce is very different from your life after. Move on and continue living.

This advices can help you Stop Your Divorce and you can fined more usefully information at

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