Friday, March 23, 2007

Heavenly Honeymoons--Advice and Tips for That Perfect Getaway!

Getting married is one of the most anticipated and exciting times of your life. And your honeymoon can be the most exciting and romantic trip you will ever take, since it represents a celebration of your love, your new marriage, and the lifetime commitment you have made. How do you get that "perfect" honeymoon? As with everything else that involves marriage, it is vitally important that you talk with your future spouse. Communication between partners is absolutely essential in a strong and enduring marriage--whether it be about financial decisions, the in-laws, or raising the kids. That communication channel can begin with the planning of the wedding ceremony and certainly with the decisions concerning the honeymoon.

Finding out what your future spouse has for honeymoon expectations and matching them with yours is a good place to begin when planning a honeymoon. Do you want to go around the block, or around the world? Do you want the honeymoon to be exciting and adventurous or lazy and relaxing? Do you want to save money, or really splurge on a big ticket vacation? Do you want sunshine or snow? (Hawaii or the Canadian Rockies) Do you want to marry in the same place you plan to honeymoon? Answering these questions can help insure that your honeymoon will fulfill your wildest dreams.

Remember, the best reason for a honeymoon is to rest, relax and regroup after the stresses and rigors of planning and conducting your wedding. The peace of mind which it can bring is worth every penny. Even if you are already living together, you will need to get away and relax after all the work you have done to get to this point. Do not treat your honeymoon like another vacation; it is a very special time! A time to bond, to set new directions, lay out goals as a married couple, and to renew your romance.

According to ancient traditions, the word "honeymoon" is based upon the practice of newlyweds drinking mead, called bride ale, which was produced from fermented honey. This beverage was consumed during the first month (and therefore "moon") of marriage. The fermented drink supposedly increased virility and fertility and, consequently, the first month of marriage was referred to as the honeymoon. It is only within the last 50-60 years, however, that honeymoons have gained wide popularity. With so-called "honeymoon destinations" emerging--Cancun, Hawaii, the Caribbean, Tahiti, Italy, Las Vegas, New Orleans--these post-wedding trips offered ordinary citizens a taste of what it was like to be wealthy. Chances are good that honeymoons are here to stay.

Romance is not just roses and candles. If you are adventurous newlyweds there a many ways to enliven your honeymoon. Scuba diving, snowmobiling, parasailing, skydiving, or couples' bungee jumping are a few of the ways to spice up your honeymoon and return home with unforgettable memories of that golden getaway.

An important word of advice: don't be afraid to mention the fact that you will be honeymooning when you're making reservations for a restaurant, hotel, or cruise. Announce it when you arrive. Tell everyone! You're happy and you're in love. Special accommodations and gifts, ranging from upgraded rooms to flowers or free champagne are often given to honeymooners.

About the Author

Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises, Inc., an Internet business dedicated to providing useful information and valuable resources on a variety of timely topics. For a cruise ship full of information, resources and advice about honeymoons, visit

Where To Go For Sound Marriage Advice

I feel upset every time I hear someone giving counter productive and ridiculous advice about marriage. I don’t claim to be an expert on marriage, but I can still tell if the advice I’m hearing is good information or pure nonsense. Marriage advice is available to those who need it, but sadly, a lot of it is no good. Even the most qualified professional can give tainted marriage advice because they may have their own agenda.

A friend of mine is pretty much at the end of her marriage. She’s very devoted to her religious roots, and has made every effort to save her marriage. The problem is that all the marriage advice and counseling that she has received from different people for over four years has not helped her marriage. I find myself getting upset whenever she shares the marriage advice she has received with me.

If you belong to a church, you should probably go to your pastor or priest for marriage advice. However, you still have to consider the source, even if these people can be great sources for advice and counseling. You see, unless someone is in danger, they will never tell you that perhaps the entire affair was a mistake to begin with. It is quite obvious to me that my friend is in a hopeless situation, but her pastor will not tell her this. The marriage advice he gives will urge her to remain with her husband, unless her life is threatened.

What I’m trying to say is that you should take marriage advice and counseling from more than one source. Move on if you don’t like what you are hearing. If you find someone who tells you that a wife should bow down and be miserable for the sake of her husband, then that person is not seeing both sides. And if a woman counselor seems to be bitter towards men in general, you are going to see this in the advice on marriage she gives. Try to think clearly about what someone is saying to you no matter how miserable you may be.

About the Author

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Sound Marriage Advice. Visit our site for more helpful information about Sound Marriage Advice and other similar topics.

Infidelity Recovery for a Relationship: A HUGE Problem

Discover 3 huge barriers that inhibit couples recovering from infidelity to survive the extramarital affair and rebuild their marriage.

There is much information out there about the skills you need to rebuild a relationship after infidelity or other crisis.

But, there's a prior concern. Powerful emotional and cognitive (thinking) barriers exist that get in the way of using those skills.

Your intentions may be good, but eye-ball to eye-ball reality brings tension. The use of your new found skills evaporates and you shrink back to the negative patterns that create mistrust and distance.

Here's the problem: "How in the world do you and your partner get on the same page and begin remaking your relationship after the ton of hurt and distance you have experienced through the extramarital affair or other crisis?

I asked my clients to list 3-4 barriers that keep the two of you apart and stall the healing process.

I had over 9 pages of barriers that they listed. But, from that long I clearly was able to discern recurring themes. Below are listed 3 HUGE problems:

1. You try (very hard) but you don't get much. You ask questions. You probe. You want to know where he/she stands. You want more information. You want and need reassurance...but you don't get it. It seems that the more you try, the more He/she pulls away in his/her typical manner.

2. You back off. You are scared. You are cautious about what to say and do. You don't want to incite him/her. You feel like you are walking on egg shells. You watch and hope for some sort of indication that he/she wants the relationship. But... you are never sure. feel the pain and tension internally. That's where it stays. You suffer quietly and alone.

3. Your eye is on the other person. You give him/her exorbitant power. You feel powerless to a greater or lesser degree. You hate this! You want to be your "self." But, feel stifled, unsure, broken and don't know what to say or do to break through the impasse. If only he/she would do something!

Does one of these make sense for you? Can you see yourself in this role?

Here's a simple exercise to help you move through this dilemma.

List 3 or 4 meanings that your partner's affair or crisis has for you. That is to say, what impact is the crisis having upon YOU? For example, how has is changed what you think about? how you spend your time? how you think of yourself? etc?

If you can begin sharing the personal impact of the crisis with your partner, you might experience less tension and beging seeing more progess.

About the Author

Dr. Huizenga, the Infidelity Coach, offers infidelity help and relationship advice for coping with extramarital affairs and marital infidelity at: Break and Get articles and free downloads on emotional infidelity, coping with infidelity, the cheating spouse, signs of an affair, surviving infidelity and more.

Infidelity: How “My Marriage Made Me Do It” is a Cop-out

Ask someone why they had, or are having an affair and you may hear something like this: “I have a lousy marriage. My marriage is dead. There is no intimacy, no sex, and no excitement. The love is gone. We’ve grown apart. I can’t stand the marriage. There was nothing happening in the marriage and the affair just happened.”

These statements are rationalizations and fail to “get at” the underlying issues.

Key points:

1. It’s as if a marriage is an animal gone bad. A marriage does not have a life of it’s own. In reality, there is no such thing as a “marriage.” One is “married” as a result of making some promises and signing a paper at one point. After the paper is signed, two people continue communicating and acting toward one another in particular ways that they hope will help them get what they individually want. Just as there is no “marriage,” there is no such thing as a “relationship.” There are, however, ways of relating for which each person is responsible. Remember the comedian Flip Wilson (that dates me) and his “The devil made me do it” skit?

2. We idealize “marriage” or “romantic relationships” with the expectation we will get what we want, without much effort to boot. The movies, popular public press and romance novels/stories don’t help much here. A “marriage” is behind the eight ball from the word go. “IT” can’t win.

3. From day one most of us don’t have a clue about how to get, build, nurture and maintain healthy and intimate ways of relating. We need ‘love 101’ and it’s not there. We rely upon experimentation or bad models.

4. If the “marriage” is dead, why in the world would one choose to have an affair? Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire. It really is stupid. You add a whole layer of deceit and shame that eventually will result in consequences more dire than approaching your spouse and saying, “I’m really unhappy. What I’m doing with you obviously is not working. I want out.” Oh well, maybe some people need more problems and suffering.

5. If the “marriage” is bad, obviously, I don’t have to look at me. I can blame “it” or the other. Some of us find it difficult to look at me. Some of us don’t know how to look at me. Some of us never think of looking at me.

Tip: If your partner/spouse is having and affair and blames it on the “marriage,” don’t buy into it. The “marriage” is not the problem. You are not the problem. Your spouse/partner chose the affair out of ignorance, fear or inadequacy.

The “My Marriage Made Me Do It” is just one of 7 affairs outlined in my E-book, “Break Free From the Affair.” For more information on the issues behind the other kinds of affairs and tips for dealing with them, go to:

About the Author

Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach, has helped hundreds of couples over the past two decades heal from the agony of extramarital affairs and survive infidelity. Visit his website at:

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

10 Important Divorce Advice

By John Furnem

Getting married is easy but making it last is not; and so as completely untying the knots through a divorce. But if it is time for both of you to go separate ways, legally and permanently, here are the things you should prepare for.

The length of the procedure - Divorce is not a one day event; it is a process that may take several months. You cannot expect to receive your divorce decree after you file your case. Delays may even happen if there are disputes regarding child custody and marital assets and debts.

Cost of the divorce process - There are several factors that influence the cost of your divorce such as the length of the process, the hourly rate of your attorney, and the papers that should be produced. Generally, it is difficult to exactly determine how much would you pay for the whole process but for sure, the longer it takes; the bigger you pay.

Cost of separation - If you and your couple both have a source of income, then your household's financial standing may be strong. However, the moment you separate and live on your own, you will shoulder the whole expenses and bills. Make sure you can keep yourself under a roof before you confidently say that the marriage is over and it is time for you to move out.

Emotional outburst - There are lots of emotional outbursts during the whole process, and sometimes it may lead to violence. Make sure that you know how to control your emotions. This is important not only because you want to end the process peaceful but also to end the process as smooth and quickly as possible; which is of course will significantly cut your total expenses.

Physical detachment - Different couples have different reason why they file for divorce but one thing is common among them: at the end of the day or even while the petition for divorce is cooking, there is a great deal of physical detachment to your kids. Domestic violence can be a big factor to keep you away from your family. Being ready for it is very important.

Parental responsibility - Becoming a parent does not end once you are separated. You still have to finance the expenses of your children (as ordered by the court) until they are grown up. Even if you are not awarded the custody of your child, once the court says you have to give child support, then you have to give child support.

Child custody - For most cases, the mother takes the child custody, but for special reasons or if the court sees that the mother is incapable of taking care of the children, the father can keep them.

Property separation - Ultimately, the fate of your property lies on the technical rules of property division, which should be both fair and just. If there are disputes on particular property, it should be decided according to evidences you show and the court may act as the mediator.

Coping with the new set up - If you have been married for years, living alone can be devastating both emotional and physical. Knowing what to expect and learning how to cope with your present life should be your priority.

Moving on - Okay, it's over. It may take a while for you to adjust but basically, your life before divorce is very different from your life after. Move on and continue living.

This advices can help you Stop Your Divorce and you can fined more usefully information at

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How You Can Be Happy And Fulfilled Whilst Being Single For The Rest Of Your Life

By Matthew Robert Payne

It seems unheard of these days for an attractive person with a job and a life ahead of them even though they are recently divorced to consider remaining single and celibate for the rest of their life. What would inspire a person with opportunity to re- marry not to do so? What could be so attractive that could encourage a person to choose a single life? Come and read my reason.

My wife left me fourteen years ago, re married eight years ago, and for those past eight years I have not seen my 15 year old son. Since my wife left, in recent times since I have come to love myself I have had four women ask me to consider marrying them. Each of them were friends and when I told them that I couldn’t do as they wish three of them didn’t want to be friends anymore. That was sad.

Can there be a life so good, so exciting, so full and so full of purpose that you don’t need a partner to be happy.

Well tell me folks can there be?

Let me tell you that my life is exciting, my days are full, I have a purpose, a destiny and dreams that I am seeing coming true and the presence and peace of God has never been as strong in my life then it has in the last two weeks.

As a male who has already had a child, I have a lot of happiness. Though I know I don’t see him now, I am confident as an adult he will seek me out and I forgive my wife for stopping him seeing me. I did my bit to populate the world.

As a Christian I am set apart for God and I am excited to be like Paul and to walk with God as a single man. He admonished those that would want to serve the Lord that being single is best though he said that this is hard for some and if lust is too much for them they should marry.

Well let me say folks it takes a disciplined Christian life as male to conquer the sex drive and the compulsion to lust. In the Old Testament somewhere there is a verse that says that the anointing breaks the yoke. This means if you can get into the state where the presence of God in your life is strong then any addiction or bondage will be broken in my simple language.

It is such a joy to be a male that God takes his sex drive away as the anointing flows in his life. It is such a joy to walk down the street without wanting to take women to bed or undressing them with your eyes. It’s such a joy to be able to speak to a lady and not be distracted by thoughts of wondering if you can date her.

God wants all of us devoted to Him. To choose to be single so that you can devote all your time to serving the Lord is a big decision yet it pays handsome dividends. When God knows you want to serve him fulltime he gives you big dreams and gets to work training you for something that it going to be very effective for him. A man or woman that chooses to lay down their life for God will always be rewarded in ways that will more then compensate.

It’s not that I don’t love woman. It’s that I want my time to be fully devoted to typing articles, speaking and exhorting by brothers and sisters in the Lord. Instead of spending an hour with my wife each night telling her how the day was, I want to have that hour to be speaking to the Lord. Instead of having a wife lonely at home when I am away for a month I want to have people happy where I am knowing that I am free to stay in their city for as the Lord wills.

The love that I have for Jesus far surpasses many people that I know. My life is crucified for Christ. My only interest is to do his will and it seems that the more I have divorced myself from the things of the world, like the desire to own things, and buying things, the more he has given me to do and to spend my money on that is going to save souls and encourage Christians to live a better life.

What wife could live with a husband that spends his money on reaching souls every week and who does not agree with buying expensive things when cheap things can be worn instead? What wife could live with a husband who has no interest in a car, no interest in a nice house of his own and who teaches his children to live for Christ in a life of self denial?

Could you live with me?

Could you cope with a husband that has no interest in fashions, the media, the popular shows on TV, no interests outside of serving God with every cent he has and every hour available?

Are you a lady that could have my zeal? Living in cheap clothes with a cheep car and a rented government housing cheap rented unit. Could you live with a man that can’t walk down a street without giving to the poor and who engages total strangers in conversation whenever you are out?

Are you a lady that wants to serve the Lord full time with all your heart, mind, time and money? Do you think God could raise you up in that ministry?

Sure he could!

Do you want to serve God and be a better use for him?

What about you men? Which of you could conceive being single from this point on and serving the Lord in the future full time? Who would deny themselves a love with a new woman for God so they can be more effective?

Do you have a vision?

Do you want to serve God?

Can you get excited about God using you in a mighty way?

God wants to use you all. He has a ministry you can all be a part of if you can only give him some of your time for free without wanting to be paid.

I challenge you seek the Lord in a way that you can serve Him. Ask him for the gift to serve him as a single person! It is a life that is rewarding.

Matthew shares his heart in these articles and can be found at You can read more of his articles at his link below.

If you want a copy of his upcoming book of articles which will have the first sixty of the articles on this web-site called "The Musings of a Mad Prophet" please contact Matthew via email so he can contact you around February 2007 to tell you of the progress of the book.

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Anniversary Party Games - Bringing Back the Memories

By Gail Leino

When you’re hosting an anniversary party, games that take the guests back in time and allow them to remember “the good old days” are excellent. Here are a couple of great games:

"The Big Day" Anniversary Party Game

Anniversary party games like this are sure to bring back memories of the big day – with a lot of laughs thrown in for good measure! Prior to the party, gather together some old dresses, daggy jewellery and garters (fabric scraps will do) for the “brides” and shirts, pants and ties for the “grooms”. Put the box of clothes down one end of the room, and gather the guests at the other. Guests pair off (preferably male/female but it really doesn’t matter), and one puts on a blindfold. The object of the game is for the blind-folded players to go to the other end of the room and put on their “wedding clothes” – but their partner can only guide them with verbal instructions. The partners then swap roles. The first couple to be dressed for their “wedding” are the winners of this anniversary party game.

"The Year That Was..." Anniversary Party Game

Anniversary party games like this can be a good way for guests to test their memories and trivia skills. Before the day of the party, compile a list of questions based on the celebrities, music, culture and events of the year you got married. 20 questions should be sufficient. Guests are handed a trivia sheet upon arrival, and must fill in as many of the answers as they can. The person with the most correct answers is the winner of this anniversary game.

Mrs. Party... Gail Leino takes a common sense approach to planning and organizing events, celebrations and holiday parties with unique ideas for Anniversary party supplies and fun free educational party games. She explains proper etiquette and living a healthy life while also teaching organizational skills and fun facts. The Party Supplies Shop has lots of party ideas with hundreds of free holiday printable games and free birthday party activities. Over 100 adorable Party Themes to fit your birthday celebration, holiday event, or "just because" parties is at the Party Theme Shop. Party themes include cartoon characters, sports, movie, TV shows, luau, western, holidays, and unique crazy fun theme ideas.

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Wedding Gift Giving - FAQ and Answers Too

By Nily Glaser

Over time, our visitors, both Invitees and Marrying Couples, have asked many questions regarding Wedding Gift Giving

This article is formatted as Questions and answers.
A-wedding Day hopes that they will help answer some of your questions. If not, please feel free to Email us your questions.

Please note that
Q stands for Question
S stands for Statement
A stands for Answer


Q. I am invited to a wedding. The invitation arrived and with it a wish list and store registries where the bride and groom entered the items they want to receive.

S. I do not plan to attend. Do I need to send a gift?
A. You do not have to, but it is a nice gesture to send a gift whether or not you plan to attend.

Q. Do I have to give an item chosen by the bride and groom?
A. No! While it is nice to help the couple acquire items they have chosen, a unique gift can be just as and even more welcomed.

Q. Do I have to purchase from one of their bridal registries?
A. No. You may shop anywhere, though the bridal registries will inform you of which items have already been purchased.

Q. Can I purchase a gift for the wedding itself rather than for the future?
A. Absolutely! Providing the bride and groom receive it in time for the wedding. In fact it is a good idea because just about any gift used at the wedding will become a cherished keepsake.

Q. What would make a memorable gift for the wedding?
Any item personalized with the bride and groom's first names and wedding date such as: Toasting Flutes, Cake Servers, Unity Candles, etc...
One, a few or even an entire collection of Wedding Accessories such as: Toasting Flutes, Cake Servers, Unity Candles, Guest Books and matching pens, Garters, Ring Bearer Pillow, hankies, caketops etc... But DO NOT make it a surprise gift. Consult with the bride and groom to assure that they do not have these items yet. If not, find out if they plan a theme wedding and purchase accordingly or better yet, let THEM CHOOSE the items.

Q. Can I shop on line for wedding gifts?
A.Sure! Actually this is the easiest way to engage the bride and groom, near or far, should you need their input in choosing a gift for the wedding.
Shopping online is your most convenient way to acquire unique gifts which may not be available in stores.
Ideas: Personalized wedding gifts, personalized candles, etc... When you shop on line, a click of the mouse or a phone call from your home or office, allows you to purchase, gift wrap, enclose a personalized gift card and ship a gift to directly to the couple.

Q. Should I bring my gift to the wedding site?
A. Preferably not!
Most wedding sites do not provide security. Thus, Gifts can easily be damaged or misplaced or, sad to say taken. The bride and groom are much too busy and excited to worry about gathering up gifts. Thus, some gifts could easily be left behind.

Q. How do I make sure that the bride and groom receive my gift?
A. Send the gift to the Bride's address, grooms address or the address on the RSVP envelope that came with the wedding invitation.


S. We plan to give each other gifts at the wedding. What is the best time to do so?
A. Gift exchange between brides and grooms has become rather popular. The best time for brides and grooms to exchange gifts is at the ceremony, as soon as they are no longer bride and groom. That is immediately following the officiant presenting the new Mr. and Mrs. but after lighting the Unity Candle.

Q. What kinds of gifts will be appropriate?
A. Give each other gifts that are keepsakes. Personalized gifts and jewelry top the list.

S. As a blending family, we plan to acknowledge our kids as part of our union. We would like to give them special gifts at the wedding.

Q. What is the best time to do so?
A. This is a wonderful way to welcome your kids into the new family creatid by your union.
The best time for you to give your kids a gift is at the ceremony immediately following your gift exchange, or immediately after your rings exchange and vows. This is especially appropriate if you plan to include the kids in your vows and, if age appropriate, in lighting the Unity Candle.

Q. What kinds of gifts will be appropriate?
Here a piece of jewelry such as the family unity jewelry (pendants, rings, lapel pins/tie clips etc...) will be a perfect gift.

Q. Are there specific etiquetes regarding giving gifts to our wedding party and family?
S. We need some ideas of gifts of appreciation to our bestman, maid of honor, bridesmaids, ushers, groomsmen, parents grand parents flower girl and ring bearer (boy).
A. Gifts, their cost and whether you should give everyone the same gift is at your discresion. But since you asked, we'll provide you with some ideas.


Gifts for Maid of Honor, Bridesmaids, mothers, grandmothers

A. The most appropriate gifts will be keepsake mementos.
The mothers and the maid of Honor generally receive gift of greater value than the bridesmaids, but this is not mandatory.
Gifts personalized with either their names, title (mother, maid of honor etc...), or bride and groom's name and wedding date serve as both thank you and keepsake mementos.
Ideas: Personalized candles, frames or photo albums to later add your wedding pictures to, jewelry, some part of their wedding attire, toasting flutes or mugs, jewelry boxes, key chains, clocks, make-up kits, crystal or silver vases, crystal bowls, collectibles etc...
Pampering gifts Ideas:bath oils, gift baskets, candles, a day at a spa etc...


Gifts for Best Man, Groomsmen/Ushers, fathers, grandfathers

A. Here too the most appropriate gifts will be keepsake mementos.
The fathers and the best man generally receive gifts of greater value than the Groomsmen/Ushers, but this is not mandatory.
Ideas: Personalized candles, frames or photo albums to later add your wedding pictures to, beer mugs or pilsners, toasting flutes, drinks shakers, can cooler koozies, money clips, travel cases, wood jewelry boxes, unique items reflecting their individual interests, bar sets, desk clocks, business card holders, key chains, pocket watches, Swiss Army products, high quality pens/pen sets.


A. Wedding mementos including a special album, picture frames and video/cd of your wedding are most appreciated by parents. They will display them and re-live your happy day every time they look at your wedding pictures.


Ideas: Here your gift such as a coloring book set, or books about being a flower girl or ring bearer may will depend on the age of the child. However, long lasting gifts can be given to a child of any age. Ideas: Jewlry, jewelry box, silver bank, a framed photo of him/her with you on your wedding day, something relating to the child's interest, a stuffed animal etc...


S. It has become customary to gift your wedding guests with wedding favors to thank them for helping you celebrate your big day.
Actually, favors should be multi-purpose.
ideas: Insert place cards in Small frames, Insert place cards in silver holders, order personalized pens and have each guest keep the pen after signing your guest book, place a dessert (Candy, nuts, cake, etc..) in a keepsake container, etc... Assign one of your attendants to announce that these are Thank you souvineers from the bride and groom.

S. We plan to give our guests memento thank you gifts.

Q. Should we also send them Thank-You notes?
A. Absolutely! Each guests gave you a gift personally. Most guests put thought into what to get and purchased, wrapped and delivered it to you on or before your wedding.
You must acknowledge their efforts individually with a Thank-You note.

S. We have a large wedding party. By the time we add both sets of parents, grandparents and a few other relatives, we come up with more than 10 men and more than 10 women. We are on a budget. Giving each a large gift is prohibitive but we do not want to give "cheapy" gifts.

Q. Can you help?
A. We hope so! You must consider your budget when choosing your gifts but you do not necessarily have to pass up gifts you like. Always remember that a little creativity and thoughtfulness can go a long way. If you are creative you can put together gifts from the heart. Write or draw someting special and place it in a frame. find small items that will be appreciated by a sports enthusiast, stamp collectors, a gardening buffs, etc... and make little gift baskets. Your thoughtfullness will be appreciated by the recipients.
Otherwise, choose two gifts - one for the men and one for women - and buy them in bulk. Many retailers will give you a price break based on quantity - IF YOU ASK THEM TO.
This will help keep your costs down and save you time too.
If you shop on-line Email a note to the online vendors asking if they can give you a break for buying X number of the same item. They may not offer it but some may consider doing so when requested. We at A-wedding Day do.
S. Be aware that because of the way internet shopping carts are set up, the discount will not show up on your online confirmation. The vendor will have to deduct the discount when charging your credit card and will need to email you the amount actually charged. It should reflect your cost after the price reduction.

Q. When is the best time to present our thank you gifts to our parents, grandparents and wedding attendants?
A. You may do so at the rehearsal dinner because of the intimate setting with your family and closest friends. Or, you may choose to present each in a private setting where you can express your gratitude to each participant individually.

Copyrights © 2007 All Rights Reserved Nily Glaser of A-wedding Day.

Please feel free to post this Article in your newsletter, on your website, and forward it to your friends. If you post or otherwise publish this article, please ensure that you post it as is with no additions or deletions and that the copyright as well as the author's entire bylines box remain intact. As follows:
Copyrights © 2007 All Rights Reserved Nily Glaser,
Nily Glaser the CEO of A-wedding Day.
is a published author who has presented workshops to wedding professionals all over the USA.
A wedding Day a very popular Wedding Resource and Information Center, and a Discount Bridal Mall for wedding gifts, supplies and bridal accessories.
To read other articles by Nily Glaser CLICK HERE

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